Thursday, June 30, 2016

Baby Quilts

dear Rainbows,
My friend is having a baby, and since I am a quilter, I have been selected to make a baby quilt.  Why is this process so gendered?!?!  The baby hasn't even been born yet.  How do the parents-to-be know anything about the likes/dislikes and desires of the new little being?  Can't they just decorate the nursery in whatever colors appeal to the adult beings, without any concern for the sex-as-determined-by-ultrasound of their wee one?
--Quilter in a Quandry

Dear Q in a Q,
I had to start my blogging on the topic of gender with this question.  I work in a quilt store: this comes up ALL THE TIME and I hate it.  Who cares about color when it comes to baby things?  Dress the peanut up in whatever color is clean and fits.  Or whatever color brings YOU joy.

And that definitely goes for baby quilts, too.  Whatever colors or motifs bring you (or the parents-to-be) joy--quilt socializing the peanuts of the world into strict gender compliance before they are even born.

love, Rainbows

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